



劳伦华志坚 is passionate about reducing lead exposure in drinking water and protecting public health. 她领导着一个, 专家团队,致力于发展整体, 公平的解决方案,帮助我们的客户实现遵守美国法律.S. 铅和铜规则修订.

作为雅各布斯公司铅和铜法规合规的全国实践负责人, Lauren supports water systems across the United States with the implementation of the new 铅和铜规则修订 (LCRR) and helps them leverage available funding sources, 就像 首页投资和就业法案.

One of Lauren’s projects involves leading a team of global experts to revise the American Water Works Association’s Internal Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems Manual of Practice (M58). 随着最近对饮用水中铅和铜的监管变化, 许多供水系统正在努力解决如何选择的问题, 优化或再优化腐蚀控制处理. The manual addresses the fundamentals for optimizing corrosion control treatment and provides industry guidance and best practices for developing a strategy to implement and maintain effective corrosion control in the water distribution system. 

在2022年加入雅各布斯之前, Lauren worked for the Greater Cincinnati Water Works implementing the LCRR as well as overseeing the Surveillance and Response System/Online Water Quality Monitoring Program. 劳伦之前还曾在美国水务协会(AWWA)工作。, 提供技术咨询, 有关水质及处理事宜的资料及过程指引. 她还在美国工作过.S. 环境al Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development Office performing research related to corrosion and contaminant accumulation in drinking water distribution systems.

“There is no safe level of lead exposure and being able to support water systems as they minimize lead in drinking water is incredibly impactful work.”






Collaborating with clients to develop and implement compliance programs that address their specific needs and challenges and identifying long-lasting solutions for LCRR compliance is extremely rewarding. There is no safe level of lead exposure and being able to support water systems as they minimize lead in drinking water is incredibly impactful work.


这是一种真正的关怀文化, 在健康, 安全, 包容, 创新, 而质量则交织在各个方面. 成为优先考虑健康的组织的一员, 人的安全与保障, and the protection of the environment is so important to me both professionally and personally. 


大多数道路,包括职业发展,都不是线性的. 过程中的每一步都是一个学习和成长的机会. 相信努力工作, 奉献, 建立一个强大的网络, 你正在取得进步,朝着你的目标努力.


我喜欢和家人在一起, 探索当地和国家公园, 和我男朋友一起发现新的爱好. We recently started making vanilla extract and growing our two favorite fruits – finger limes and passion fruit!